Welcome to the website of Nancy K. Miller, feminist author, memoirist, teacher

New article in Synapsis
“The Great Read: Two Women Writing from Bed, One Drawing: Alice James, Virginia Woolf, Renée French“

Recent Books. Feminists Reclaim Mentorship, is a new collection of personal essays from 26 contributors, co-edited with cultural critic Tahneer Oksman. We hope the anthology will invite readers to return to the experiences with mentoring—mentor or mentee—that shaped their professional lives. The three twenty-first century memoirs revisit moments from my life as a feminist academic and Jewish New Yorker with immigrant roots, from my young ex-pat years in Paris, to my remembrance of three friends, women with whom I shared the struggles and pleasures of a writing life over decades. View all »

Nancy K. Miller Scanxiety

My Multifocal Life. Writings and drawings, as well as diary posts and articles about the ups and downs of living with cancer—my story almost eight years and three surgeries in, but also the narratives of others. Continue reading »

From the Diary… Cancer Gadfly, travel writing, graphic memoirs, Paris memoir, feminist friends, Jewish history/culture, conferences, and much more. View the diary »