Diary Entry

The Case of the Spiculated Tumor

Just as I was preparing to post this long delayed cartoon, I learned that my cancer was active again. I will no doubt have another encounter with the robot sometime soon. I’m glad that I finished the drawing, though, before that happens. This was a communal effort, for which I am grateful: first, on the part of my friend, artist, and art consultant Jen Waters for matters of color and design; second, artful photo shopping by Stefano Morello and his brother in Italy, Andrea. Final touches by artist and brilliant web designer, Diane Bertolo.

See also selections from my ongoing project, My Multifocal Life.

Nancy K. Miller. Diary

Welcome. Some musings on my current preoccupations with the worlds of illness and the worlds of books, the vicissitudes of living with cancer and the need now, in my eighties, to imagine what new writing might be. 

View Diary posts related to the My Multifocal Life project.
