
By the numbers…
I’ll be staying with a friend for a few days in Paris later this summer. To thank her for her hospitality I decided to treat her to dinner

Rereading oneself
Spinning My Wheels Procrastination: Take Three. Failing to progress on my summer projects, I reread the work where I left it last year. Although rereading literature can be

When Work is the Prize
Procrastination, Take Two: Yes, it’s that time of year in academia. The spring semester is almost over, except, of course for the grading. The papers straggle in or languish

Media Manners: Stop Thief: A GPS is tracking you!
Last week I received an email that began: “I am writing to inform you that you are using copyrighted material on your website which appears to be taken

Infusion for Two
Last week my friend Aiobheann Sweeney and I discovered we were having an infusion (a k a chemo) the same day in the same cancer center. Our cancers

Between Procrastination and Productivity
The semester is almost over. Next week is my last class. Soon, my academic calendar will clear and…And what? Which of the many pieces of unfinished writing will

Looking Jewish
I’ve just returned from a lecture trip to South Carolina. Among other things, I gave a talk called “My Memoirs Made Me Jewish,” a paradox I’ve rehearsed here

Regarding Susan Sontag
Saturday night I watched the showing of Nancy Kates’s marvelous documentary about Susan Sontag at the Tribeca Film Festival. I was lucky enough to belong to the board

Welcome. Some musings on my current preoccupations with the worlds of illness and the worlds of books, the vicissitudes of living with cancer and the need now, in my eighties, to imagine what new writing might be.