Diary Entry

Countdown to Publication

My Brilliant Friends. Nancy K. MillerI’m now in possession of a single copy of my beautiful book. According to Amazon My Brilliant Friends will be available as of January 1, 2019, which is, I think, an elegant way to start the New Year. The actual object seems a little skinny after so many years of work and tons of paper drafts, but I hope it will be sturdy enough to survive the buffeting of the hectic publishing world. I’m also hoping the book will receive the warmth of new friends and readers as it makes its way through the chilly winter season. Happy holidays, happy reading.

Read more and pre-order now.

Nancy K. Miller. Diary

Welcome. Some musings on my current preoccupations with the worlds of illness and the worlds of books, the vicissitudes of living with cancer and the need now, in my eighties, to imagine what new writing might be. 

View Diary posts related to the My Multifocal Life project.
