My Multifocal Life

I was diagnosed with stage 3B metastatic lung cancer at the end of December 2011. After several years of chemo and scans, I’ve moved beyond the scary statistics to enjoy a “partial remission.” My graphic experiments (some gathered below), that strangely began with the diagnosis, help me confront the rituals and scenarios we insiders experience as habitués of Cancerland.
See also:
Cancer Gadfly posts in the Diary
New Ways to Talk About Cancer. I previewed some of my thoughts on lung cancer and my graphic response to the diagnosis in an interview with journalist Sarah Glazer on Cancer Commons. Read interview »
The Trauma of Diagnosis. This is the first article I’ve published on the cancer experience and how it is represented in graphic memoir. I’ve included many artists’ drawings and a few of my own. Download the article »

My Cancer on Lockdown
For a long time, I’ve been living with cancer, lung cancer to be exact.

“The Fourth Sign of the Zodiac”
I’m between scans again, or should I say still? The latest one left the

December 31, 2018. The seventh anniversary of my cancer diagnosis. I’m as surprised still to be alive as I am to be relying on my spiffy, purple walking stick […]

Last Encounter with the Robot
Since I’m not Pope Francis, what will it mean for me to live with

Scanxiety 2
Last year, around the time I created the “scanxiety” collage, one of my tumors

The Case of the Spiculated Tumor
Just as I was preparing to post this long delayed cartoon, I learned that

After 6 months of “partial remission,” and almost five years of “progression-free survival,” I’ve

The Scan Report
The oncologist does not mince words when delivering the scan report. Good news (“Good